Qilin Tower/Small Arc Roof Tower, the Large Arc Roof Tower and the Nianzigou Tower on the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall of China

  • Qilin Tower/Small Arc Roof Tower, the Large Arc Roof Tower and the Nianzigou Tower on the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall of China Qilin Tower/Small Arc Roof Tower, the Large Arc Roof Tower and the Nianzigou Tower on the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall of China

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(Landscape) Mid shot of the Qilin Tower/Small Arc Roof Building/Tower (Xiaohu Dinglou), the Large Arc Roof Building/Tower (Dahu Dinglou) and the Nianzigou Building/Tower (Nianzigou Lou) on the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall of China.

Henry Morton/Blue Lotus Productions
30 Dec 2009
Canon 7D MK I
Beijing, China
Asia, Beijing, China, China, Dahu Dinglou, Gold Mountain Ridge, Great Wall of Asia, Jinshanling, Large Arc Roof Building/Tower, Nianzigou Building/Tower, Nianzigou Lou, Qilin Tower, Royalty Free, Small Arc Roof Building/Tower, Stock Footage, Stock Photo, Wanli Changcheng, Xiaohu Dinglou
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