Hannya Noh mask on display in 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Tale Illuminated' exhibition...
Painting depicting a scene from 'The Tale of Sumiyoshi' in 'The Tale of Genji...
'Lotus Sutra with Each Character on a Lotus' scroll on display in 'The Tale...
Painting-icon of Murasaki Shikibu by Tosa Mitsuoki in 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese ...
'Battle of the Carriages' screens on display in 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese...
A scene from the 'Competition between Poets of Different Eras' in 'The Tale...
Six panel folding screens in 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Tale Illuminated' exhibition...
Painting by Tosa Mitsunari in 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Tale Illuminated' exhibition...
Statue of the Buddha of Limitless Light (Amida Nyorai/Amitabha Tathagata) in 'The Tale...
People walking around 'The Tale of Genji: A Japanese Tale Illuminated' exhibition...